Dont rely on the government to solve Americas Job Problems.
Many millions of Americans will not be celebrating the New Year as their unemployment benefits will soon
expire. The very goverment that was protecting them, will now let all benefits to expire putting
millions of people on the streets. was created to help these millions of people and
everyone to obtain their OWN opportunities, without dependence from any goverment. Dont rely on
the government to solve Americas Job Problems. In fact, don't even believe the goverment to act in your best
interests. Often, big corporations will pay off government officials to act in the best interest of
companies. In fact, the same companies will then hire cheap labor and pay no taxes back to America by
paying off America's government. America should not be about corruption of America's government
or cheap labor and no taxes for big corporations to take advantage of. Take your OWN
responsibility and make your own future. YOU are responsible for YOUR future! The web is
strongly becoming the new tool in making opportunity possible. Those who are knowledgeable and
use the web, will have the most opportunities avaiable to them. In fact, those who use the web will
also have the most independent information instead of goverment and corporate controlled media.
Your best source of TRUE and UNBIASED information is containted on the net.
Regardless if you are a democrate or a republican, either party,
can not be trused with your future or America's Job future. America does not create jobs, Technology
creates jobs and opportunity. Sure, you should vote, that helps. But start by voting for YOUSELF.
With yourself, it's someone you can honestly trust and believe in. Build your strengths and your
opportunities will also build. Then you do not have to rely or trust on a goverment that may or may not be
acting in your or America's best interest.